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Five for Fiday
Today I am linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday.

 I'm sure many of you are aware of the TpT conference that took place last week. Well even though this photo isn't from this week, I am still reflecting on that week, this week. I wrote a post all about it HERE

 At the TpT conference we got some sweet swag bags! It included a mug, hand sanitizer, pen, and this notebook. I am in love with this notebook and as you can see, we are BFFs. Why is that? Well this week I have been overwhelmed with inspiration and I needed a place to write it all down. This notebook goes with me everywhere now. Even in the bathroom, next to the shower (where I get all of my best ideas).
I promise this is the last picture that is related to TpT, but I mean come on, how awesome is it to have a place where you can find quality products created by amazing teachers!? Well, I finally invested in the KG Font lifetime license. I have been putting it off for far too long and it only keeps increasing in price. I am so glad that I purchased it. Now I can be creative without worrying if I have the license for a specific font.
 Summer is coming to an end. I wish the summer heat would go away with it, but that will be around still fora few months. Last year I was moving to a new school and a new grade and I had A LOT of moving in and setting up. This year I am in the same classroom and same grade so setting up this year is a breeze. I was planning on creating a  classroom theme this year, but then I realized I already had one without even trying. Can you guess what it is? If you guessed rainbow, then you are correct! I love my colorful rainbow classroom. I am actually sitting in my home office creating new things to use in my class.


  1. Sounds like you had a great time at the conference! Our classroom is also rainbow! We are in Wales and our class is 'Dosbarth Enfys' *Rainbow Class* all our children are colour co-ordinated (small classes) and there are lots of bright, fun colours! I love it! Hope you have another great year! :)

    Teaching Autism


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